Sample IP warm-up schedule

Here’s a sample IP warm-up schedule that you can follow when configuring your email delivery system:

Day 1-3 (Introduction):

  • Start with a small volume of emails (e.g., 5-10% of your maximum capacity).
  • Gradually increase the volume each day.
  • Monitor bounce rates and engagement metrics.

Day 4-7 (Ramping Up):

  • Double the volume daily.
  • Aim to reach 50% of your maximum capacity by the end of Day 7.
  • Continue monitoring performance.

Day 8-14 (Scaling):

  • Keep doubling the volume daily.
  • By Day 14, you should be sending at 100% capacity.
  • Monitor closely for any issues.

Beyond Day 14 (Steady State):

  • Maintain consistent sending patterns.
  • Monitor bounce rates, open rates, and spam complaints.
  • Adjust as needed based on performance.

Remember that this schedule is just a guideline. You can adjust the timeline based on your specific situation and the guidelines provided by your ESP. The key is to gradually build your reputation and ensure successful email delivery. 📧🔥